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Warm greetings! Welcome to my online office. I am Cassandra Ardoin, Ph.D., a licensed practitioner with 20 years experience in counseling and psychotherapy. I hope the following information leaves you with the impression that my office is a safe and hopeful place where you can explore your thoughts and concerns freely.

My professional interests focus around an holistic understanding of how and why human beings develop and maintain their perceptions of, and reactions to, themselves and others as they negotiate their paths throughout the lifespan. My treatment focuses upon the cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and spiritual issues which manifest as a result of pain/disease associated with any of the issues involved in a person’s life. Professionally and personally, I pursue and encourage a life-long development of self awareness, as well as self monitoring and adjustment.

I have a Master’s and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. I have 20 plus years of experience helping people solve problems of stress, anxiety, and depression associated with relationships, spiritual and changes-in-life issues, addictions, incarceration, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.

My experience also includes work with employee assistance, community mental health, university counseling, addictions treatment, corrections, as well as private practice. I have worked with professionals (physicians, attorneys, teachers, stock brokers, bankers, etc.) as well as non-professionals of all ages. My private practice has grown to include online, chat, and telephone therapy.


CHRONIC STRESS - It can have devastating effects on your sleep, concentration, personal relationships, self image, and overall quality of life. Whether the cause is with your relationships (marriage, affairs, co-workers, children, partner, etc.), personal (spiritual and personal growth, moral dilemmas, mental or physical illness), or environmental, such as problems with work, housing, employment, or income, professional help can have a direct, positive effect on your ability to live your life more effectively.

RELATIONSHIPS – Feelings of incompetence, loneliness, anger, resentment, despair, and hopelessness can permeate your relationships where the pain of unresolved personal issues can result in repetitive, alienating thoughts and behaviors. Counseling can enhance the possibilities for real changes in your intimate relationships and well as your friend, family, and work related relationships.

ALCOHOL OR DRUG USE - Behavioral, cognitive, physical, and spiritual problems that are repetitive and seemingly unsolvable, are often results of habitual substance use. Addressing the underlying as well as the practical issues of your alcohol or drug use can be useful in learning to manage use or discontinue use altogether. My approach to counseling in this area is very directive.

TINNITUS/HYPERACUSIS – Of the 50 million Americans who have tinnitus, 12 million have sought professional help for its effects on every day life. A program of treatment including cognitive therapy can help identify negative and debilitating thoughts which can worsen tinnitus. Relaxation techniques such as breath control, visualizations, yoga therapy, meditation, and sound therapy offer ways to retrain the individual’s perception of, and reaction to, the effects of tinnitus.


Senior Psychological Examiner, Health Service Provider, #PE0000011117
National Association for Addiction Professionals, Provider #0189
National Certified Counselor, #27920
Master’s Addictions Counselor, #27920


American Psychological Association
American Counseling Association
National Association for Addiction Professionals
International Society for Mental Health Online
International Association of Yoga Therapists
International Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Society
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

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