Find a Therapist to see online for therapy and counseling

What is online counseling or eTherapy?

Online counseling or eTherapy is a new way to 'see' a therapist. Use of the Internet allows us to make available therapists chosen from a large pool of expert licensed clinicians from various locations throughout the US.

In order to be certain that you are receiving care from legitimate, experienced therapists, we verify each clinicians' license with their state's regulatory board, and require every therapist to provide proof of their liability insurance. Only therapists with licenses in good standing and without blemishes are allowed to practice with us.

We personally interview each therapist and require that they provide a sample email session for our review. Additionally, all of our clinicians must have at least 10 years post graduate counseling experience. Ours are the highest standards of any online therapy site on the Web.

ABusy schedules, difficulty with traveling to the therapist's office, fear of going out in public, privacy concerns, and 24 hour availability are only a few of the reasons given for using our e-therapy service. We offer email, private chat and phone sessions.

Email Sessions

After purchasing your email session, you complete your Pre-Session form which tells your therapist about you and your reasons for seeking therapy. Your therapist carefully reviews your Pre-Session form and responds to you by email with a well thought out answer within 2 business days. Our therapists spend approximately 30 minutes on their response to you. This process is one email session.

With e-mail, much of the benefit for you will derive from the writing itself. Therapists often encourage clients to keep journals or write to help clarify and express their thoughts.

You may have a simple one-time question, or you may choose to use this as a way to establish a longer term relationship with a therapist.

We provide a free, safe, secure email account for your email sessions here: Safe-Mail.Net. Here is the link to the page on the site that explains other types of sessions as well.

After your first session, you do not need to complete the form again. For continuing email sessions, you exchange emails with your therapist. You may purchase a single email session or package sessions at discounted rates for continuing work with your therapist.

Private Online Chat and Phone Sessions

Telephone and online chat offer additional options from which to choose. For those who have never tried chat, it's a very simple process. After purchasing a session and completing your Pre-Session form, you meet your therapist online here, in his/her "virtual office." You type a message to your therapist and he/she responds by typing back immediately, in real time. You do not need any special software. Simply click on the "Live Online" image in your therapist's Virtual Office and begin your chat session. All sessions are scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

You may purchase 60 minute chat sessions. Package discounted rates are also available for ongoing work with your therapist.

Choosing our phone option means that after purchasing a session and completing your Pre-Session form, your therapist will call you at your appointment time, at a number you specify . You will talk with your therapist for the amount of time you purchased.

Online therapy may be a comfortable, convenient way for you to begin opening up to another person and trying out the idea of therapy, or you may already be familiar with therapy and choose this option for the added convenience and privacy it offers. Many people prefer etherapy to prevent having a mental health record with insurance companies.

All of our therapists have passed our thorough screening process, are licensed or certified in their states, and are carefully selected to be part of our network based on their demonstrated professional excellence. Our goal is to provide you, the consumer of mental health services, with another therapy option and to offer only the most expert therapeutic services available online.


Fees are listed here. Register and login, there is no charge to register.

If you have any questions, contact our Customer Service Online, or call us at 1-866-450-3463.

This service is not appropriate if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, suffer from a severe mental illness, are in crisis or are under 18 years of age.

Joining our Provider Network

If you are a Licensed Therapist and would like to be part of our network, click here. Professionals

We receive many requests for free therapy and counseling. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide free counseling services.