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What our clients have to say:

We've collected some of the thoughts our clients shared with us about their experience with online therapy. They have all given their permission for these comments to be shared with you. See why choose us.

"At first I was very leery of this entire email-a-therapist thing, but I realize that it has huge benefits. I love being able to read Dr. Sanderson's words over and over again. In an office situation I get anxious and uncomfortable and forget things. I like being able to study things and it feels good for me to organize my thoughts on paper (or a computer screen!)."

"I was very impressed with my therapist. I feel I got my money's worth. I feel this was very convenient and cost effective. Keep up the good work. I have made great strides with my therapy. In fact, I practically doubled my salary as a result of my therapy."

Paul helped me find a way out of the mess my life is in. I am so pleased with his services.

Thank you, Dr. Cain! in just a few email sessions, you have given me my life back. I can't thank you enough!

WI can't believe how much my therapist helped. I live in a small town and can't afford to drive to the nearest town where my other therapist is located. Marlene is simply wonderful!

I have never been treated so compassionately and kindly. I was at the end of my rope when I started chat sessions with Dr. Unger. She helped me tremendously! I've seen other therapists, but she was able to get to the core issue much sooner and offer ways to help that really work.

Your response is right on Dr. Unger. Twenty year old bells that I fail to hear are ringing within your e-mail response. Amazing how revealing we can be in a few paragraphs. I am happy to find an effective, therapeutic outlet for some of the personal and professional issues affecting my life right now. Will register for another session

Your response is right on Dr. Unger. Twenty year old bells that I fail to hear are ringing within your e-mail response. Amazing how revealing we can be in a few paragraphs. I am happy to find an effective, therapeutic outlet for some of the personal and professional issues affecting my life right now. Will register for another session. SD

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Lori Bennett is a great therapist. I didn't believe this would really work, but started with one email session and then did chat therapy. I highly recommend this to anyone who needs to sort through some difficult issues. Just try it, it really works!/p>

"She was honest, straight to the point and realistic. It was what I needed and I can't thank her enough."

"Thank you for your thoughtful response to my email inquiry. It was very helpful! I was actually surprised that it felt so good coming in this forum. I would definitely use this service again. Your words were comforting; practical yet said with soul. Your anecdotes were also helpful in illustrating a point and it never felt preachy."

"Thank you so very much. You can't even begin to know how much this touched me. I DO appreciate it."

"Helped in time of crises where information and advice was needed quickly."

"My therapist seemed very kind-hearted and thoughtful."

We receive many requests for free therapy and counseling. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide free counseling services.